Prep Your House for Going Away

With the school holidays in full force, many families have some well-deserved getaways planned. Whether you're leaving town for just a few days, or a few weeks, there are things you can do to prepare your home for your absence and ensure a seamless return.

We've put together two checklists to help you prepare for your holiday. The departure checklist below will help you get your house in tip-top shape so you can enjoy a worry-free trip. The return checklist will help you adjust to life in the real world upon your return.

Prepare for Leaving

Prepare your pets: Provide comprehensive care instructions to the pet sitter or boarding facility. Make certain that the one you select has an ample supply of your pet's favourite foods, snacks, toys, medications, and other supplies on hand.

Clean the fridge: Throw out any food that will expire while you're away. Using antibacterial wipes, quickly wipe away any fresh spills. They clean many surfaces and are ideal for a quick and easy clean of your fridge.

Take care of the laundry: Before you depart, do your laundry and put it away.

Prepare your indoor plants: Ask a friend or neighbour to water them, and make numerous inventories of all plants and their places. Alternatively, buy self-watering plant stakes.

Leave a light on: If you're going on a brief trip, leave a few lamps on around the house to make it appear occupied. For a longer vacation, invest in low-cost mechanical timers that may switch our lights on and off at staggered intervals, giving the appearance that your house is occupied. Notify your home-security service or a trusted neighbour so that both can keep a lookout.

Spray for pests: Spray a pesticide in high-traffic areas to keep bugs at bay while you're away.

Hold the news: Calling your news carrier will put your newspapers on hold, preventing them from piling up in front of your house while you're away.

Prepare for Your Homecoming

Plan your breakfast: Before you leave, stock your kitchen with cereal, coffee, and a container of shelf-stable milk to ensure a stress-free first meal back.

Change the bedding: Make up the mattresses with fresh sheets for a welcoming first night.

Tidy up: Sweep or vacuum the floors; do the dishes; use an all-purpose cleaner to clean the counters in the bathroom and kitchen. Clean the toilets quickly.

06 Jul 2023
Author Maxprop
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